25 de mar. de 2009

Exclusivo globo.com melhores momentos do classico e o gol


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2 Comentários:

Anonymous Anônimo disse...

Ronaldo ja craque , um idolo do futebol mundial , neymar se manter a cabeça no lugar e for bem acessorado pode se tornar grande como Ronaldo

12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anônimo disse...

It wants to know a teams so good how much its comes to the site on soccer daqui of the land the true soccer

The news suffer to the phenomenon ronaldo, corinthians and any Brazilian teams rudder news this the place site timaonewsnet.blogspot.com also comes you to be part of this phenomenon of the news and good mood.
(kevinwell) replied to a comment you left in a LiveJournal post.

1:40 AM  

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